coming soon!

spring registration is open!

What is Little Cleats?

The BSC Little Cleats Program was created over a decade ago and is designed specifically for 3 to 5-year-old children that are not enrolled in Kindergarten or going into Kindergarten, looking to learn the basic fundamentals of playing soccer. This program will give a fun-filled, entry-level introduction to soccer while providing children with a social aspect they cannot get anywhere else. The seasonal cost of this program is $99.99 per child.

When are the Little Cleats Sessions?

Little Cleats sessions are held on Saturday mornings at Lion Gate Field in the Fall and Spring season (map below). During the Winter session we train at Bloomfield High School. During fall and spring there are 3 sessions (8:30 am, 9:30 am and 10:30 am) to choose from and each session is just under an hour in duration. The program runs for seven consecutive weeks during each fall and spring season, weather permitting.

FALL Little Cleats

BSC will have three sessions on Saturdays in September and October: 8:45, 9:45 and 10:45 start times. All sessions are at Lion Gate Field. Feel free to choose whichever suits your schedule best. As always, Little Cleats is for 3-5 year old kids that are NOT enrolled in Kindergarten. Rain dates, if any will be added to the end of the schedule as long as scheduling is available.

Disclaimer: There are no guarantees we will make up any dates. Fall Little Cleats is an outdoor session that takes weather into consideration but does not cancel due to rain. If field conditions are safe your session will remain as scheduled. In the event of a cancelation we will notify all registered families via email, group chat on TeamSnap and social media sixty minutes prior to your scheduled time.

What does my child need?

All children must have proper footwear (turf shoes or cleats), socks, and shin guards if possible. You can purchase them a Size 3 soccer ball to play with at home as well. No jewelry or large hair accessories, please. A jersey will be provided for each child.

The start date for Fall Little Cleats is Saturday, september 14th

spring Little Cleats

BSC will have three sessions on Saturdays in April and May: 8:45, 9:45 and 10:45 start times. All sessions are at Lion Gate Field. Feel free to choose whichever suits your schedule best. As always, Little Cleats is for 3-5 year old kids that are NOT enrolled in Kindergarten. Rain dates, if any will be added to the end of the schedule as long as scheduling is available.

Disclaimer: There are no guarantees we will make up any dates. Spring Little Cleats is an outdoor session that takes weather into consideration but does not cancel due to rain. If field conditions are safe your session will remain as scheduled. In the event of a cancelation we will notify all registered families via email, group chat on TeamSnap and social media sixty minutes prior to your scheduled time.

What does my child need?

All children must have proper footwear (turf shoes or cleats), socks, and shin guards if possible. You can purchase them a Size 3 soccer ball to play with at home as well. No jewelry or large hair accessories, please. A jersey will be provided for each child.

The start date for spring Little Cleats is saturday, april 12th

winter little cleats (indoor futsal)

Winter Little Cleats sessions are held on Sundays at Bloomfield High School. There are three Winter sessions: 10am, 11am and 12pm. Each session runs just under 60 minutes. The program runs for six weeks during each season, weather permitting. There are no sessions during the MLK Tournament weekend (1/19/25). Only sneakers are allowed inside the gymnasium.

Disclaimer: There are no guarantees we will make up any dates. Winter Little Cleats is an indoor session that takes weather into consideration when weather is unsafe or poor. If driving conditions are safe your session will remain as scheduled. In the event of a cancelation we will notify all registered families via email, group chat on TeamSnap and social media sixty minutes prior to your scheduled time.

What does my child need?

All children must have proper footwear (indoor futsal shoes or sneakers), socks, and shin guards if possible. You can purchase them a Size 3 soccer ball to play with at home as well. No jewelry or large hair accessories, please. A jersey will be provided for each child.

the start date for winter little cleats is sunday, January 5th